Saturday, June 14, 2008

The first few

Well the first days have gone by very fast. I met a lot of new and interesting people, and the other day, I even had Red Bull ice cream, yeah it was delicious. Today I am heading to Vienna to do some shopping. We had quite the party tonight with quite a few people nhere, but unfortunately, I find ice, my supply of alcohol severely diminished, luckily I hid the good stuff. The weather here is very nice, a bit chilly and windy at times but nothing to complain about. I am in love with the beer here, and what food I have had has been delicious. Monday I am heading to Viena as well for the Euro Cup, it sounds like it is going to be pretty intense. I am feeling slightly homesick, more or less just missing certain people, but I am extremely comfortable in my new lifestyle. I enjoyed the sauna again tonight, which is always a plus. I also find myself unable to sleep at night but dead tired during the day which I am sure I will eventually get adjusted to. Once again I find myself the only person awake after the party, and watching American cartoons in German, Spongebob is way better when you can't understand it. I have hardly spent any money so far and I am very happy about that, minus the money I spent at the bar the other night, ten euro so it wasn't terrible. I am picking up German decently and hopefully I cna be somewhat fluent by the end of the summer. Well I better go and see what sleep I can get tonight. Gute Nacht

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Well everyone, if anyone actually reads this. I have arrived safely in Austria. I am in the town of Nuefeld if anyon wants to know. It is beautiful here, it is a small village with about 3000 people and the mountains, althogh half an hour away, are a beautiful view in the backyard. So far everyone here is extremely nice so far. The flight was god, minus the fact I can never sleep on airplanes. The service was good and the drinking age was 18 so it was decent. I ended up knowing two people on my flight by coincidence so that also helped. I have an entire downstairs to myself including a bathroom shower lounge with bar, game and workout room and a sauna, yeah thats right. But this land is extremely beautiful along with the people. I may not leave. But I have to go shopping now, have fun and stay beautiful everyone. Tchüüüüüssssss